I can't be the only one who...

February 13, 2017

  • calculates how much sleep I can get before going to bed
  • will take a load of selfies and end up liking the first one
  • has a messy room
  • will listen to a song on repeat 24/7 if it's my current favourite
  • fangirls. A LOT
  • is a feminist
  • reads their horoscope daily but doesn't believe a word of it
  • loves anything knitted
  • is not a morning person
  • has a face which Snapchat often refuses to recognise
  • loves oversized jumpers
  • listens to music daily
  • wants to (and will) travel the world
  • keeps a dream journal
  • believes in life on other planets
  • always has room for ice cream
  • sleeps with AT LEAST one teddy bear every night
  • thinks that when people text in ALL CAPS they are text-shouting
  • sometimes talk to themselves without even realising
  • probably over-uses emojis

Comment if you do any of these things too!
This is just me :)
This was my first blog-post so I hope it helped you get to know me a little bit x
P.S - I know this was a really quick post so i'll be posting again probably tomorrow or the day after

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